zip file and click on “Extract to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat v2.1.0.17.zip” (To do this you will need 7-Zip, which you can get here, or you can use the built in windows extractor).

Having discovered about the open path to the Zone center, the government decides to hold a large-scale military “Fairway” operation aimed to take the CNPP under control. The Clear Sky story doesn't really ever come up in Call of Pripyat except for a couple "Hey, did you hear what happened to those guys?" moments.The events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat unfold shortly after the end of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Clear Sky I found very boring story wise, the faction warfare system is really annoying (and didn't make it to Call of Pripyat), and because it's all the same locations as Shadow of Chernobyl, I'd just rather play that game. That said, Shadow of Chernobyl is the *classic* Stalker experience and one shouldn't pass it up. Play Shadow of Chernobyl with Zone Reclamation Project (really easy to download and install) and then move on to Call of Pripyat.Ĭall of Pripyat is my favorite of the games, it has the best quality of life features, plays much smoother, and the three large open maps as opposed to the several small levels throughout Shadow of Chernobyl are much better to play through. Skip Clear Sky (It's a prequal to Shadow of Chernobyl, but runs through all the same areas as SoC and experimented with some new features that made it to Call of Pripyat, like the upgrade system and repairing gear).